Have you ever worn a piece of clothing that made you feel really good? Chances are, you loved the color. Most people don’t feel good wearing something in a color they don’t love. What is it about that color that makes you feel good? Think about the color red. How does it make you feel? For many women, it makes them feel strong and powerful. When they wear yellow they feel cheery and joyful. But how do you feel when you wear a color like gray? Probably not terribly cheerful, but probably more serious.
Ancient civilizations used color in healing ceremonies. They knew that the color green was a very healing color, which makes sense when you think about what they used primarily to heal - plants. They also knew that the sun can heal, plus sunshine makes most people happy, so we often equate sunshine with happiness and the color yellow.
What about the color blue? How does that make you feel? For me and many others, it makes us feel calm.
People often refer to this as color therapy. Colored light is what we use in the Harmonic Egg to help people heal energetically. You see, color is energy and when exposed to it for a certain length of time in the Harmonic Egg, it can heal energetically. What does that mean? Energetic healing is done at the cellular level. The color activates certain cells that respond to that frequency of color. So for example, we often use the colors yellow and orange to work on digestive issues. If you’re familiar with the chakra colors, you know that yellow is the color of the solar plexus where the stomach is located. Orange is the color of the sacral chakra, which is where the intestinal tract is located in the body.
Other colors we use in the Harmonic Egg are green, purple, red, pink, magenta and white. As mentioned earlier, green is the healing color. And like blue, it’s also a very calming color. We usually use green in your first session because our goal is to help you de-stress and relax so your body can begin to heal. We also use green for heart conditions because green is the color of the heart chakra. As you know, red is a power color so we use it to help with confidence. We also use red to help with blood conditions.
We also use music in the Harmonic Egg. Everyone knows how music can make you feel. But what if you used music in another way? What if you used it to energetically heal your body? Energy healing is becoming commonplace in our world. So this should not be a big stretch for you to imagine. You know that music makes you feel good, but have you ever wondered why that is? It’s because the instruments in the music are reaching your body at a cellular level. That is the science part of this equation.
What does the music do at a cellular level? It removes blockages. The frequency of the music travels through water, and since our bodies are made of mostly water, it can easily reach our cells. What does it do once it reaches the cells? It moves through them and energetically charges them with higher frequency. You see, when cells are not functioning properly, their frequency, or vibration lowers. So when a higher vibration passes through the cell, it automatically raises the vibration of that cell. That in turn, raises your own vibration.
We don’t play just any music in the Harmonic Egg. The Egg’s inventor, Gail Lynn, interviews composers who are high vibe people who compose their music with the intention of love. That may sound silly to some of you, but intention is charged energy and that energy is infused within the music. She has found that composers who make music for monetary reasons and who are not of pure intention, are not a good fit for the Harmonic Egg. In fact, some of the music doesn’t play well in the Egg for that very reason.
When Gail works with the composers, they set an intention for every piece of music. And then they choose the instruments to be used in the music. And not everything you hear in the music is instruments. Nature sounds such as birds, whales and water sounds are included as well. Nature sounds are very calming and soothing so they are great for stress relief. The instruments are chosen based on what that instrument can help with in the body. For instance, piano is good for stress relief, flute is good for insomnia and drumming helps the immune system.
When people first hear about the Harmonic Egg, they often think it’s too simple. How can music and colored light have such powerful results? Hopefully, now that you have read this blog post, it makes more sense as to how it works. And in the end, the proof is in the testimonials from thousands of people who have seen and felt the results. Many of those people have become regular clients and vow to maintain their health with monthly visits. Those people have learned that regular visits help them manage their stress, which helps to keep illness at bay.
If you would like to experience the Harmonic Egg, you can
book a session right here on the website, or you can give us a call and we’ll book it for you - 480-306-7321.
And if it’s not convenient to visit the Center, you can book a
Remote Session. Remember, this is energy healing and energy knows no boundaries. So even though you won’t get the experience of actually being inside the Egg, you will still get the full benefits of the energy with a remote session.
P.S. And if you have pets in need of energy healing, we do remote sessions for pets too!
Disclaimer: The statements made or services provided through this website or by Realign Your Life Wellness Center are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The services provided by the Company are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
While we have extensive experience as energy healing practitioners, we are not physicians, psychologists, psychotherapists or other licensed health care providers, nor are our services licensed by the State of Arizona. Although energy healing methods are intended for "healing", it is not to be construed that the use of energy healing methods is the practice of medicine, psychology, psychotherapy or other licensed health care practice. Instead, we offer our services to clients with the intention to assist them in restoring balance and energetic flow in the body; thereby, creating the opportunity for the mind/body to heal naturally.
Testimonials regarding the technology are voluntarily given and do not represent the opinions of the Company.
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